
SMARTGYsum will train a new generation of Electric Energy Systems Research and Development professionals for 36 months that will enable the implementation of the Smart Energy vision. The topics to be trained and transferred to the Early Stage Researchers will focus on different technical and socioeconomic aspects that conform Electric Energy Systems and Collaborative Smart Grid, providing an excellent basis to develop their future careers in Power Electronics, Electric Engineering, Material Sciences, Information and Communication Technologies, Data Sciences but also energy capturing of value, value chains, finance & investments, management of energy markets, economical and policy instruments etc. Knowledge and techniques will be offered to Early Stage Researchers through research (in the form of the Individual Research Projects), Doctoral Schools, and Local Courses.
The training received by each Early Stage Researcher will follow a Personal Career Development Plan, updated every three months and agreed with the corresponding supervisor and co-supervisor that will lead to a Doctoral Degree by the academic supervisor. As a result, there will be a Network-Wide Training, common for all the recruited Early Stage Researcher, and an individual training.

Individual Training

Individual training will be developed mainly based on the Individual Research Projects accomplished by each Early Stage Researcher, supervised by two supervisors from different beneficiaries, and an additional supervisor from an industrial partner, covering 4 months in academic entities and 4 months in industrial settings, adjusted to optimize their exposure to different environments and to ensure the international mobility.

Network-wide Training

Coordinated by Training Coordinator, a relevant offer of training activities including different seminars, workshops and courses, is designed. However, the training content will be adapted and flexibly updated to respond to the network goals. In addition, the Early Stage Researchers will select from the referred offer, according to their interest and training needs. The training offer mainly consists of:

  • Local Courses organized by the Training Coordinator than will be aimed to strengthen of transversal skills, including:
    • Career planning
    • Leadership
    • Management
    • Intelectual Properties Rights
    • Open Access to research data
    • Gender Balance
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Public and Policy engagement
    • Driving Regulation Changes
    • Scientific Dissemination and Communication
    • From bench to the market
  • Research stays and secondments at industrial sites and/or research centres where Early Stage Researchers will have the opportunity to be in direct contact with high-level scientific labs and on-site industrial systems.
  • Doctoral Schools. There will be 5 doctoral schools, being the main network-wide training events.These Doctoral Schools will consist on a compendium of workshops, classroom and lab training courses on field-specific subjects. ESRs will participate in the organization of the Doctoral Schools to enhance their managerial and communication skills.